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Book Highlights


Food For Thought

David Bingham was approached by senior members of the C.S.I.R.O. and the Department of Primary of Industry in the first place to write a book on his experiences in the Food Industry. Many members of the Industry had also urged him to do the same. David was very grateful for the help that he received especially from Lyle Pugsley my old friend whom he mentions in the story. He became quite an enthusiast as the book progressed and it was unfortunate that he died before it was quite finished. David saw him a few hours before he died and he grasped my arm and muttered '... the book, the book ...


The Life and Times of Thomas A Bingham

Tom Bingham, was encouraged by his daughters, Shirley and Sandra, to write his memoirs and, being a man who remembered details, he began this task when he was 80 years old. We can be thankful that he didn't think he was too old to begin and finish the memories of those old days. From his written story, in clear handwriting, Shirley and Sandra typed the first draft. They also, when fossicking around amongst the photos that he had collected over his 91 years, found a number of photos from the early days, photos that Tom had taken {as none of the photos show him) and developed himself. Shirley and Ted then reproduced some of these photos and put them in the story.


Living the boycott of the Mexico Olympics

In 1968, John Cheffers found himself in the unique position of being the National Track and Field Coach of the sole defenseless nation excluded from participation in the Mexico Olympics. Rhodesia, for reasons which were never made clear, but which become apparent in A Wilderness of Spite, was barred entry to the 19th Olympiad. One of the smallest nations in the world, Rhodesia found herself becoming, in the twelve-months prior to the Games, a pawn in an international game of political chess. Allegations of racial discrimination and secessionist politics served self-righteous national governments in their efforts to try Rhodesia in the international Olympic court.


Living the boycott of the Munich, Montreal and Moscow Olympics

It was 12 years since John left Rhodesia. Unfortunately, John underestimated the powerful influence of those committed to national ambition and social intrigue. Little Rhodesia sent her team of eleven athletes to the Munich Olympics in 1972 only to have them returned, ignominiously, and with little ceremony. After the dark Olympic years of the Munich and the Motreal games, John pleads with the Uk and US politicians to avoid boycotting the Moscow Olympics.

Chris Larson, a USA field hockey player denied to particpate in the 1980 Moscow Olympics, recalls her valiant efforts to gain inclusion in the inaugural US Field Hockey Olympic Team. As John writes her diary notes in a chapter with her present. Each word of her dictated account, was often halted with moist eyes. The book is dedicated to her and every amateur athlete who has chosen ultimacy, who has given uncommon effort, especially those who have been denied the final expression of their talents.



John Cheffers was a Professor Emeritus at Boston University, President Emeritus of AIESEP and Fellow of AIESEP. He played with The Kew Baptist Football Club (2years), Kew Amateurs A Grade, (one year), Carlton (one year) and Box Hill (4 years). Although a career ending knee injury at the age of 20 sent him limping into the ranks of coaching and managing, an area where he has enjoyed the ambience. He was a dedicated enthusiast of the Australian Rules Football game. This book represents a comprehensive account of the growth of Australian football not only in the USA but also in Australia and the 10 other countries that participated in the inaugural international cup in Melbourne, Australia, in 2002.


Only The Educated Are Free

John Cheffers completed his doctoral work at Temple University under Edmund Amidon, whose work with Ned Flanders (Flanders Interaction Analysis System – FIAS). See also the Interaction Analysis of the Flanders System

This book will centre on the innovations in the physical education movement during the late 1960’s and into the new millennium. Much like the pedagogical transformations in other disciplines during the turbulent late 1960’s, the overriding issue was the debate over teacher centred learning and student centred learning.

The revolutionary system brought questioning to the traditional methods of education. Reformers within the United States and beyond began to look at ways of freeing the classroom and valuing the student voices in the learning process. It was under this backdrop that .


So You Have To Change

John Cheffers was asked to chair an Institute of Physical Fitness by his Chairman, Arthur G. Miller, in the summer of 1973. Determined to direct the discussion towards people's behaviors, he developed a curriculum based upon a theory into practice philosophy. How can people be helped to change, to improve the quality of their lives through fitness. It soon became evident that the discussion was about human fitness, not just the physical. Twenty-one years later the institute is thriving, having averaged more than twenty students each summer.

This text evolved Cheffers' native experiences in a Australia during the mid eighties when he worked or three years in sports administration The research on behavior change is large and varied but not conclusive. People tend to adapt to new requirements with cunning and grace, with guile and sincerity; rarely quickly, and even when it is inevitable, change comes slowly.


Margaret's Story

At Christmas time in 2019, just before the COVID19 virus began to create chaos amongst the people of this earth, Margaret Cheffers received a Christmas present from Jennifer Cheffers. The present came from a group in Philadelphia called StoryWorth. Storyworth's aim was to publish a book with a system where they would email weekly questions to the person who wished to write about aspects of their life. When you felt that you had no more to contribute to your story or stories, StoryWorth compiled the stories and send it to you as a book. After two years of writing her stories and responsing to the questions, Margaret received the book in two volumes in March 2022. Margaret wishes to leave her children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren stories about her young life.


GollyWolly Stories

Many people from the Fremantle area, where Paul Cheffers had spent 12 years, had approached him about compiling his made up stories of the Gollywolly's dastardly tricks and mischievous deeds. His goal was to warn the children and the parents of the shenanigans of which the trickter can make. Paul hopes you can learn from the stories about not taking up the deals from the Gollywolly.


Understanding Accounting Ethics

The firm's Director of Finance knocked on Mark Cheffers's office door and entered. "Mark, mate, we're facing a bit of a problem; we have a cash call on one of our overseas projects, Mark had known about this particular acquisition, but he had not realized that the Director of Finance had tied up so much cash and collateral. The Director continued, "I need you to approach the bank for a short term loan." "Are we offering collateral?" Mark asked. "If they want collateral you will have to offer them some of the same collateral that is tied up in our acquisition deal." Mark clarified, "Are you telling me that I might have to double-pledge our security for this loan?" "It's a small point," stated the Director. "This cash flow issue is very short term. It won't have to happen again, and we absolutely have to make this cash call. Besides, there is no risk," he said with an upbeat tone in his voice. Mark sat there, stunned. His reaction to the Director's suggestion was simple, immediate and instinctual: Mark's eyes darted at the director and responded "No way!" And after another brief moment, he stated "You will have my resignation by the end of the day.

Mark's passion for accounting ethics started at that moment and years later, he specialised in it. His books educate the accountants of the world on how things could go wrong very easily.

Struck by the Sun

Andrew Cheffers worked at the Tidbinbilla Space tracking staion and was aware of space phenomenons and the existance of solar desturbance. He developed a story about what could happen today, if the lights went out. Our lives these days depend so much on electricity. This fictional story is about when the power of the Sun interferes with life on earth. A normal day couple try to make sense of the disaster and discover a way to switch on the lights.